Installation Luncheon 2006/07
- Installation of Board and Officers 2006-2007. (L to R) Secretary Juliana Wells, Newsletter Editor Barbara Bower, Publicity Chair Nan Yates, Treasurer Gail Johnson, Program Chair Marie Chew, Membership Co-chairs Betty Jane Polk and Sarah Taylor (not pictured), President Chithra Lakshmanan and President-Elect Rhonda Reed
- Members Irene Cameron, Mariana Henwood, and Marj Sorenson at the installation luncheon
- May 13, 2006: Chithra’s Indian dinner for AAUW members and their families and friends. Featured in the photo (L to R): Eleanor Lake and granddaughter; Juliana Wells; Gail Johnson; Rhonda Reed; and Tammy Strobel (not facing camera)
- Installation Luncheon speaker (and branch member) UCD Law Professor Marty West, and AAUW-Davis Branch President Chithra Lakshmanan
- Members Pam Krug and Secretary Juliana Wells at installation luncheon
Chithra Lakshmanan’s Birthday Celebration 2007
- Carolyn, Elaine, Rickie (guest of Debi), Lorraine, & Barbara
- Onida, Debi, Mariana & Irene
- Rhonda, Lux, Chithra, & Irene
Heifer Project Trip, Ceres, CA
- AAUW at the Heifer Project: Linda Clark, Char Cardey, Juliana Wells, Marj Sorensen, Sarah Taylor & Betty Jane Polk
- The Children’s Garden at the Heifer project